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Journal Of Electronics Information Technology Science and Management is an open access scholastic and peer reviewed monthly international journal for encouraging Researchers, Practitioners, Academicians from Life Sciences, Engineering and Technology Management sectors to contribute to their inventive Research achievements and original work to make superiority information presented for a broader civic of readers and Internet users. Journal Of Electronics Information Technology Science and Management University targets at promoting the integration of academic theories.
Journal Of Electronics Information Technology Science And Management publishing full-length research papers and review articles covering subjects that fall under the wide spectrum of Science, Engineering & technology. The journal is dedicated towards dissemination of knowledge related to the advancement in scientific research.

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Scopus And Ugc Care Group 2 Journal
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A Multidisciplinary Journal
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Acceptance Status – 1-2days
Open Access & Peer Reviewed Journal
A Monthly Publishing Journal
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Impact Factor – 6.3

Journal Of Electronics Information Technology Science and Management is part of University Grants Commission (UGC) Consortium for Research and Academic Ethics (CARE) in Group-II. You may find Journal Of Electronics Information Technology Science And Management by Searching UGC Care List Group II – Scopus Active Database Journal – 2 Science Citation Index Expanded page by searching through Try the MJL Beta option. To match global standards of high quality research, in all academic disciplines under its purview, the UGC, aspires to stimulate and empower the Indian academia through its “Quality Mandate”.

Scopus is one of the biggest citation databases for peer-reviewed publications, papers, and colloquiums that exists in the globe today. Any body who is of repute within the academic community seeks to have their research work published in Scopus indexed journals and publications because they are trusted and read by millions academics, researchers, scholars and other professionals across the world. One the most well-known and prominent Journal Of Electronics Information Technology Science And Management get to be indexed in Scopus.

*The h-index is defined as the maximum value of h such that the given author/journal has published at least h papers that have each been cited at least h times.
*The index is designed to improve upon simpler measures such as the total number of citations or publications.
*The index works best when comparing scholars working in the same field, since citation conventions differ widely among different fields.

The definition of Q since its first use in 1914 has been generalized to apply to coils and condensers, resonant circuits, resonant devices, resonant transmission lines, cavity resonators, and has expanded beyond the electronics field to apply to dynamical systems in general: mechanical and acoustic resonators, material Q and quantum systems such as spectral lines and particle resonances.
Authors are invited to submit papers through E-mail at editorjeitsm@gmail.com. Articles must be original and should not have been published previously or under consideration for publication to any other conference or journal. Please wait for review report which will take maximum 01 to 02 days. Paper must be in JEITSM format. We will publish projects and conference papers also with lowest processing fee.
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JEITSM Publication
Email: editorjeitsm@gmail.com
Website: http://jeitsm.com/